DDT indoor residual spray, still an effective tool to control Anopheles fluviatilis‐transmitted Plasmodium falciparum malaria in India

This study from two districts of Orissa State which are endemic for Plasmodium falciparum transmitted by Anopheles fluviatilis and A. culicifacies investigated the impact of dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) indoor residual spraying, in view of the ongoing discussion on phasing out DDT in India. Based on their high annual parasite incidence and logistical considerations, 26 villages in Malkangiri and 28 in Koraput district were selected for DDT spraying. For comparison, six and four unsprayed villages were chosen from the same districts. In each district, the prevalence of malaria infection and incidence of malaria fever, indoor resting density and parous rate of the vectors, and their susceptibility to DDT were monitored in six and three villages selected randomly from the sprayed and unsprayed groups respectively. Anopheles fluviatilis was susceptible to DDT while A. culicifacies was resistant. DDT residual spraying with 1 g/m2, was carried out in October–November 2001. Spraying 74–86% of human dwellings and 100% of cattle sheds brought down the indoor resting density of A. fluviatilis by 93–95%. This was associated with a significant reduction of incidence of malaria fever as well as prevalence of malaria infection from November to February in both districts. The spraying also seemed to impact on vector longevity, and a residual effect of DDT on the sprayed walls was observed up to 10–12 weeks despite re-plastering. Hence DDT spraying can still be an effective tool for controlling fluviatilis-transmitted malaria. Although this species is exophilic, its nocturnal resting behaviour facilitates its contact with the sprayed surfaces. DDT is still useful for residual spraying in India, particularly in areas where the vectors are endophilic and not resistant.