Tolerance of the mature human central nervous system to photon irradiation

Tolerance of mature human brain to photon irradiation is described. Isoeffect curves were derived for tolerance of large and small volumes of brain, by examination of doses determined empirically and in clinical use. These were compared with isoeffect curves of thoracic myelitis, optic nerve and chiasm damage and brain necrosis. The best-fitting Ellis-type equations, when 5 fractions/ wk are used, have low exponents for overall treatment time and high exponents for the number of increments (N), and are similar to published data on rat myelitis. Of the equations used to test the relationship between total dose and number of increments, the power curve was the best fit. Mean values of exponents for N derived for brain and spinal cord tolerance were 0.4 or more. These were similar to values obtained for optic nerve and chiasm damage, though the data are more limited for this complication. Brain necrosis is observed at slightly higher doses probably because of a difference in the end-point observed rather than because of any fundamental difference in tissue response. Evidence is presented to suggest that some repopulation may occur in widely spaced schedules. The use of the Ellis equation derived from connective-tissue data is inappropriate for CNS tissue, and its use may lead to a substantial risk of overdosage. A plea is made for adequate documentation of treatment details when human data are reported. The importance of dose per fraction is emphasized.