Effects of Cations and Other Medium Components on the Zona‐induced Acrosome Reaction of Hamster Spermatozoa

Although the acrosome reaction in lively motile hamster spermatozoa can occur independently of the egg or its investments ("spontaneous" acrosome reaction), it appears to be the egg investments, particularly the zona pellucida, that induces the acrosome reaction in fertilizing spermatozoa of many mammalian species. The latter is referred to as "zona-induced" acrosome reaction. Experiments were conducted to determine if the zona-induced acrosome reaction has different ion requirements from the spontaneous reaction. Like the spontaneous acrosome reaction, the zona-induced acrosome reaction required extracellular Na+, K+ and Ca2+. The absence of Cl- and albumin in the medium inhibited the reaction. The zona-induced acrosome reaction could occur in a HCO3--free medium, but far less efficiently than in medium containing this ion. Proteinase inhibitors, benzamidine and TLCK, inhibited the zona-induced acrosome reaction. These results suggest that the chemical reactions involved in the spontaneous and zona-induced acrosome reactions are similar although the reaction-triggering mechanism is probably different.