Measurement of tributyltin contamination of sediments and Crassostrea virginica in the southern chesapeake bay

Tributyltin concentrations in sediments and American oysters, Crassostrea virginica, from the southern Chesapeake Bay have been determined. Concentrations in both sediments and oysters were correlated with commercial shipping and recreational boating activity. Sediment concentrations as high as 4,000 μg kg−1 dry weight were observed in a marina. Detection limits in sediment were 1 to 14 μg kg−1, depending on sediment type. Tributyltin was found in all Crassostrea virginica, including [those from] locations where the compound could not be detected in sediment. Concentrations in Crassostrea virginica ranged from < 10 μg kg−1 dry weight on the Atlantic Coast of Virginia to 5,600 μg kg−1 in the Elizabeth River, Virginia.