Measurements have been made on the adsorption and desorption of residual gases in an ultra-high-vacuum ion-pumped system using mass spectrometer analysis. The predominant residual gases in our system are hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and water vapor at a total pressure of about 5×10−10 Torr. Mass analysis indicates two hydrogen peaks, one carbon monoxide peak, and no water vapor peak on thermally heating a molybdenum ribbon from room temperature to 1000 °C. Desorption and readsorption are observed continuously by monitoring ion desorption induced by an extremely low density (∼10−7A/cm2) electron beam. Data obtained by this technique correlated very well with that obtained by thermal flashing and aids in understanding the reactions that are occurring. The use of electron-induced ion desorption coupled with mass analysis is seen to be a very useful tool in studying adsorption–desorption phenomena in high vacuum by allowing continuous observation as substrate conditions are changed.