Alternative approach to the optimized effective potential method

We propose an alternative method of calculating so-called optimized effective potentials (OEP’s) by directly exploiting the property of the total energy E of an interacting N-electron system to attain a minimum for the true potential of the associated Kohn-Sham equations if E is expressed as a functional of the occupied Kohn-Sham orbitals that solve these equations. The method is based on forming the difference between the sought-for true potential and some local spin-density reference potential corrected to yield the known large r behavior of the OEP. This difference is expanded in terms of attenuated sinusoidal functions that decay exponentially beyond the range of orbital localization. By using this expansion E becomes a function of the expansion coefficients whose values are determined by searching for the minimum of E. This is achieved by employing a variant of a steepest descent method. Due to the flexibility of the method, the exchange-only virial relation can easily be incorporated by performing the minimization in a suitably modified way. The total energy results for a set of atoms (Be-Xe) differ only by about 103Ry from those obtained by other authors using different techniques. We have also successfully extended our method to the relativistic case. For the treatment of extended systems we propose a combination of our scheme with an existing approximate OEP method.