National Study of Internal Medicine Manpower: XV. A Decade of Change in Residency Training in Internal Medicine

We report on trends in the characteristics of residency training programs in internal medicine from 1976 to 1988 and make some comparisons with other specialties. Internal medicine is faring less well in the residency match compared with other specialties than it did 10 years ago. It has also increased the number of residency positions offered more than other major specialties. A sizable proportion of first-year residency positions in internal medicine are not filled through the Match. Foreign medical graduates account for almost 50% of the first-year resident (R1) positions filled outside the Match. Programs most dependent on foreign medical graduates are in hospitals with limited medical school affiliation, smaller size, operated by churches or the Veterans Administration, and located in eastern states and large metropolitan areas. Despite concerns about quality and oversupply, almost 50% of the program directors expected to increase the size of their programs in 1988-1990. Residents are not being scheduled for fewer hours per week than they were 12 years ago but they are being scheduled for fewer nights. No trends were noted toward increased ambulatory care training sites away from the hospital campus.

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