Potential bias in inbreeding depression estimates when using pedigree relationships to assess the degree of homozygosity for loci under selection

A potential bias in estimation of inbreeding depression when using pedigree relationships to assess the degree of homozygosity for loci under selection is indicated. A comparison of inbreeding coefficients based on either pedigree or genotypic frequencies indicated that, as a result of selection, the inbreeding coefficient based on pedigree might not correspond with the random drift of allelic frequencies. Apparent differences in average levels of both inbreeding coefficients were obtained depending on the genetic model (additive versus dominance, initial allelic frequencies, heritability) and the selection system assumed (no versus mass selection). In the absence of selection, allelic frequencies within a small population change over generations due to random drift, and the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient gives a proper assessment of the accompanying probability of increased homozygosity within a ‘replicate’ by indicating the variance of allelic frequencies over replicates. With selection, in addition to random drift, directional change in allelic frequencies is not accounted for by the pedigree-based inbreeding coefficient. This result implies that estimation of inbreeding depression for traits under either direct or indirect selection, estimated by a regression of performance on pedigree-based coefficients, should be carefully interpreted.