Isolation and characterization of 45 polymorphic microsatellites from the bovine genome

A small‐insert bovine genomic library was constructed in pBluescript II SK(+) and enriched for microsatellites by selective rescue of single‐stranded pBluescript DNA carrying (CA)n/(TG) n tandem repeats. Approximately 50% of the clones in the enriched library contained (CA) nrepeats or CA‐rich sequences. Sequencing of clones selected for (CA) n repeats resulted in the identification and characterization of 45 (CA) npolymorphic microsatellites. Genotyping in 9 large paternal half‐sib families indicated that 40 of these microsatellite markers exhibit autosomal Mendelian inheritance. The numbers of alleles range from 2 to 18, with an average of 6‐3 per locus. The polymorphic microsatellite markers we have identified and characterized will contribute to the construction of a high‐resolution linkage map of bovine genome.