ThePTEN, BAX,andIGFIIRGenes Are Mutated in Endometrial Atypical Hyperplasia

To pursue the pathogenesis of endometrial carcinogenesis, we investigated microsatellite instability, mutations in the PTEN, TGFβRII, IGFIIR, and BAX genes, and LOHs on 10q in 18 putative endometrial premalignant lesions (11 endometrial atypical hyperplasias (ATHs), 2 complex hyperplasias, and 5 simple hyperplasias) as well as 8 endometrial cancers (ECs). In the ATH cases, MSIs as well as LOHs at 10q were observed at frequencies similar to those in ECs. Mutations in PTEN, BAX, and IGFIIR were observed only in ATHs and ECs. These results suggest that (1) PTEN, BAX, and IGFIIR are already mutated in ATHs, and (2) ATH is one of the precursor lesions which could lead to EC.