Smoking cessation and weight gain

Introduction: Weight gain is one of the most frequent problems in smoking cessation and relapse Aims: To evaluate weight gain in smokers who remain abstinent 12 months after quitting smoking Methods: Longitudinal prospective study (Oct2014-15)All patients were followed 7 times and received advice on nutrition. Smoking clinical record:weight, age, gender, number of cigarettes per day, motivation, previous smoking cessation attempts, CO %CoHb, age at smoking onset, nicotine dependence. Results: N=102 patients, 48%m and 52%f. Average age:51.Average consumption of cigarettes per day:22.5.Mean age at smoking onset:16.Average of physical dependence (F.T):7.3. Visual Analogical Scale:8.09 points.Cooximetry:17.Carboxyhemoglobin:3,29.Mean of previous smoking cessation attempts:1.7. The following results were obtained related to weight:Initial weight (N= 102): 161,31 lbs. Final weight 168 lbs. Average difference: 6,6 lbs. Initial weight in men:161,79 lbs. Final weight:167 lbs. Average difference:6,7 lbs. Initial weight women:161,31 lbs. Final weight:167,94 lbs. Average difference: 6,61 lbs. Smoking cessation treatment:Varenicline: 54Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): transdermal patch: 24, transdermal patch + tablet: 7, tablet: 6, gum: 3, Bupropion: 5, Varenicline + Nicotine replacement therapy (tablet):3. Weight gain (average) depending on the smoking cessation treatment: Bupropion: 4,43 lbs, NRT (tablet): 7,07 lbs, NRT (transdermal patch + tablet): 8,28 lbs, NRT (transdermal patch):5,46 lbs, NRT(gum):6,81 lbs, Varenicline + NRT (tablet):7,60 lbs, Varenicline:6,45 lbs Conclusions: The lowest weight increase was in patients treated with Bupropion (4,43 lbs)and the highest in patients treated with NRT(transdermal patch+tablet)(8,28 lbs)Weight gain is moderate in these patients and gets stabilized.

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