Testicular Seminoma in Denmark 1976–1980 Results of Treatment

Over a five-year period the DATECA Study included 554 consecutive patients with seminoma, representing practically all cases in the country. The stage distribution was: stage I 424 patients, stage II 110 patients, and stage III 17 patients. Typical seminoma was registered in 515 patients, anaplastic seminoma in 26 patients, and spermatocytic seminoma in 13 patients. The treatment was postoperative irradiation except in a few very advanced cases who received chemotherapy. Three-year corrected survival was: stage I 99 per cent, stage II 89 per cent, and stage III 65 per cent. Anaplastic seminoma showed a singnificantly higher rate of metastatic spread than typical seminoma and the prognosis was worse. Treatment-related complications were few, but adjuvant bleomycin combined with irradiation of advanced seminoma resulted in 2 deaths from pneumonitis.