Predation‐Mediated Coexistence of Large‐ and Small‐Bodied Daphnia at Different Food Levels

Using an individual-based age-structured population model (a combination of O'Brien's apparent-prey-size approach, Eggers's reactive-field-volume model, and Holling's disk equation), we could predict that (1) a Daphnia population could be kept at low density by fish predation irrespective of food level, with greater recruitment at higher food being instantly compensated for by raised mortality reflecting increased predation, and (2) Daphnia density levels are species specific and inversely related to both body size at first reproduction and the reaction distance at which a foraging fish sees its Daphnia prey. These two hypotheses were experimentally tested in outdoor mesocosms with two Daphnia species of different body sizes grown in the absence or presence of fish that were allowed to feed for 2-3 h each evening. While each Daphnia quickly reached high density with reproduction halted by food limitation in the absence of fish, the populations stayed at much lower species-specific density levels, similar in low and high food concentrations, in the presence of fish. This suggests that our model offers a reasonable mechanistic explanation for the coexistence of large- and small-bodied zooplankton in proportions reflecting their body sizes throughout habitats comprising a wide productivity spectrum, with each species at a density level at which it becomes included in a predator's diet.