IN THE extensive review articles1 concerning sarcoidosis which have appeared during the last twelve years no mention is made of purpura as an important finding. In his discussion of purpura, Wintrobe2 did not list sarcoid disease as a recognized cause. Dameshek,3 in his writings, mentioned the two diseases in association with one another. There have been a few cases reported in which both diseases were found. Enzer,4 for instance, described a case of Boeck's sarcoid and purpura in which the diagnosis was later confirmed by autopsy. Rubin and Pinner5 reviewed cases of sarcoidosis in which autopsy had been performed and found 1 case in which thrombocytopenic purpura was responsible for death. In a group of 30 cases in which splenectomy was performed for thrombocytopenia Schwartz6 found one instance of sarcoid spleen. Nordland and his associates7 cited an example of a pregnant woman relieved of purpura hemorrhagica after the removal of