Study ofβ+and electron capture decay ofSr76in γ-γ coincidence measurements

The main goal of this work is to establish the nuclear decay scheme of Sr76 and energy levels of its doubly odd daughter nucleus Rb76. The extremely neutron deficient nucleus Sr76 lying at the N=Z (=38) line with half-life of 8.9 s was produced in spallation reactions of 600 MeV protons from the CERN Synchrocyclotron (SC) with a Nb multifoil target in conjunction with a W surface ionization source at the ISOLDE facility. The γ-spectroscopy measurements have been performed with two Ge detectors which were positioned at about ±30° respectively downstream to the Sr76 beam. The obtained singles and coincidence γ spectra were used to determine energies and intensities of γ lines assigned to the decay of Sr76 and to establish some details of the nuclear level configuration of its daughter nucleus Rb76 up to 1000 keV.

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