The gases in single leaves were extracted by Torricellian vacuum and analyzed yolumetrically for CO2. Most of the work was done on Vicia faba. More CO2 was found in gases from lighted leaves than in those from darkened ones. The differences are statistically significant. Because of its quantity the CO2 can not be present entirely as a gas, nor is it simply in solution; much of it must be adsorbed or loosely combined chemically. Light may affect the amt. of ex-tractable CO2 by activating or inducing the formation of some CO2-binding substance, or by causing the formation of some unstable CO2-yielding substance. Temp. seems not to be a factor; nor is chlorophyll concerned in the binding of CO2, for white leaves react the same as green ones. The extracted gases have contained as much as 3% CO2 by volume.

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