Statistical properties of gas ring lasers with backscattering

The two-mode inhomogeneously broadened ring laser with spontaneous-emission noise is investigated in the presence of backscattering. Using a linear transformation it is shown that this problem in the absence of detuning is equivalent to that of the ring laser without backscattering in the two following cases: (i) in-phase backcoupling case (R1=R2*), (ii) equal pump parameters and ‘‘symmetric’’ backscattering (‖R1‖=‖R2‖), where R1 and R2 are complex backscattering coefficients. We recover in this way the stationary probability density obtained by Christian and Mandel [Phys. Rev. A 34, 3932 (1986)]. Exact expressions for the mean values, fluctuations, and correlations of the two-mode intensities are derived. Our results show that the relative intensity fluctuations of both modes die out well above threshold. Mode-competition effects are reduced by symmetric backscattering. Exact formulas for the effective eigenvalue characterizing the initial decay of intensity correlation functions are given. These results are compared with the experimental data measured by Singh [Phys. Rep. 108, 217 (1984)].