Cross Sections for Nonelastic Interactions of 14-Mev Neutrons with Various Elements

The multiplication of neutrons by thin spherical shells of various materials surrounding a point source of 14-Mev neutrons has been measured. A special long counter was used whose energy response is independent of neutron energy over a range of energies from about 1 Mev to 14 Mev. The transmission of primary energy neutrons through the shells has been measured with a trans-stilbene detector and values of the inelastic collision cross sections have been derived. The quantity σn,2n+2σn,3nσc is calculated, where σn,2n and σn,3n are the cross sections for (n, 2n) and (n, 3n) reactions and σc is the sum of the cross sections of all processes which destroy a neutron. Upper and lower limits are derived for σn,2n, σc, and σis (inelastic scattering) for all materials investigated. For a number of materials specific values for the cross sections are obtained.