Single-Particle and Magnetic Excitation Spectra of Degenerate Anderson Model with FiniteffCoulomb Interaction

Spectral densities of local single-particle, magnetic and charge excitations are calculated for the impurity Anderson Hamiltonian based on the renormalization group approach. Calculation is made in wide range of energy and for various magnitude of f f Coulomb interaction constant, U f , and for degeneracy factor from 2 to 5. The width of the peak at the Fermi level in the single-particle spectrum has always comparable scale to the magnetic excitation energy, and is never larger than the hybridization width. In the BIS side of this sharp peak a broad satellite with large intensity appears as a shoulder when U f is large and the f -electron number is intermediate larger than 1. The band-like peak in BIS of U -compounds, which has much larger width than that of the usual band theory, is interpreted by this broad satellite.