The tranquilizing drugs Frenquel (0.8 mg/l), chlorpromazine (0.1 mg/l) and reserpine (0.4 mg/l) antagonize serotonin-induced uterine contractions, though they do not affect the sensitivity of the uterus of the spayed rat either to acetylcholine or oxytocin. The period of antagonism is longer lasting with reserpine than with chlorpromazine and is shortest with Frenquel. Mescaline (0.1 mg/l) causes a facilitation of serotonin activity, and in highest amounts causes a uterine contraction by itself. However, it is not antagonized by atropine (0.24 mg/l). A relatively high concentration of (LSD) lysergic acid diethylamide (1 [mu]g/l) anatagonizes both serotonin and mescaline induced uterine activity. In contrast low concentrations of LSD (0.05-0.2 ug/l) facilitate the effects of serotonin and of mescaline on the rat uterus.