Summary: Data on the middle-phalangeal hair among the different groups of Newars of Nepal Valley are presented.Sexual differences for this trait are non-significant in Groups 1, 2 and 4.The inter-group differences of Groups 1, 2 and 4 give non-significant results, suggesting a similarity for this trait among these groups in Newars.The variability ranges between 22.1 to 100% in males, and 26.4 to 100% in females, in the frequencies of mid-phalangeal hair absence, among various populations.The Mongoloid population is found to be in the range of 44.9 to 98.10%, with regard to the absence of this trait.The Newars, as a total group, show frequencies of 75.43% in males, 76.63% in females and 76.04% in both sexes, combined, with respect to the absence of this trait.The Newars fall nearer to the tribal groups of Assam (Khasi, Lushai and Mikir) and Japanese as far as this character is concerned.

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