Symmetry Properties of Warm Electron Effects in Cubic Semiconductors

The constant β which describes the field dependence of the mobility μ of warm electrons according to μ=μ0(1+βE2) is found to be anisotropic even for crystals of cubic symmetry. Furthermore, the directions of field strength and current density include an angle the tangent of which is given by E2(γ02)sinϕcosϕ×(13 cos2ϕ), where ϕ is the angle between the field situated in the (110) plane and the cubic axis, and γ0 is a constant. For silicon and germanium one finds the following symmetry relations: β110=β100(γ02), β111=β100(2γ03), where the subscripts denote the direction of field strength. The theoretical results have been confirmed experimentally with n-type germanium of different impurity content.

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