Early B Cell Factor Promotes B Lymphopoiesis with Reduced Interleukin 7 Responsiveness in the Absence of E2A

The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors encoded by the E2A gene function at the apex of a transcriptional hierarchy involving E2A, early B cell factor (EBF), and Pax5, which is essential for B lymphopoiesis. In committed B lineage progenitors, E2A proteins have also been shown to regulate many lineage-associated genes. Herein, we demonstrate that the block in B lymphopoiesis imposed by the absence of E2A can be overcome by expression of EBF, but not Pax5, indicating that EBF is the essential target of E2A required for development of B lineage progenitors. Our data demonstrate that EBF, in synergy with low levels of alternative E2A-related proteins (E proteins), is sufficient to promote expression of most B lineage genes. Remarkably, however, we find that E2A proteins are required for interleukin 7–dependent proliferation due, in part, to a role for E2A in optimal expression of N-myc. Therefore, high levels of E protein activity are essential for the activation of EBF and N-myc, whereas lower levels of E protein activity, in synergy with other B lineage transcription factors, are sufficient for expression of most B lineage genes.