Ozone-induced changes in muscarinic bronchial reactivity by different testing methods

We examined the effect of ozone (O3) on muscarinic bronchial reactivity in the guinea pig and compared reactivity determined by two different routes of agonist delivery. Reactivity before and from 4 h to 2 days after O3 exposure (3.0 ppm, 2 h) was determined by measuring specific airway resistance upon administration of intravenous acetylcholine and/or aerosolized methacholine challenge in 34 unanesthetized, spontaneously breathing animals. Before exposure, we observed more gradual and reproducible results to intravenous agonist. After exposure, hyperreactivity to parenteral agonist occurred consistently, but not to inhaled agonist. Hyperreactivity demonstrable by either route was similar in magnitude and time course within 14 h of exposure. Two days later, hyperreactivity to inhaled agonist had remitted; that to intravenous drug persisted. Our results indicate that variability in the occurrence and time course of O3-induced hyperreactivity to inhaled agonist may be a consequence of the technique employed. The consistent occurrence of hyperreactivity after O3 to parenteral agonist suggests mechanisms other than airway mucosal hyperpermeability are responsible for this hyperreactivity.