Magnetic and NMR studies of the CsCl type compounds GdMg1-xZnx

The magnetic properties of the CsCl type compounds GdMg1-xZnx were studied. All these compounds show ferromagnetic behaviour with the asymptotic Curie temperatures close to their ferromagnetic Curie temperatures. In spite of the fact that the nominal number of conduction electron concentration does not change in this series, the authors observed a decrease of the asymptotic Curie temperature with decreasing x and in GdMg is 20% lower than the free ion value. In contrast to these results, which are apparently in conflict with the RKKY approach, the authors observed a hyperfine field at the Zn nuclei which remains unaltered with composition x. All these results, together with the complex character of the Gd NMR resonances observed for low x values (even in the binary compound GdMg are interpreted in terms of an increasing interchange of the magnetic and nonmagnetic sites in the CsCl structure.