Phleborheographic Diagnosis of Venous Obstruction

Between Feb., 1977 and May 1978, phleborheograms were done on 328 [human] extremities. Interpretable tracings were obtained in 322 (98.2%). Results were positive for 102 extremities, negative for 220 extremities and equivocal or uninterpretable for 6 extremities. Phlebograms and phleborheograms were done in 64 extremities. Phlebograms were positive in 41 and negative in 23. Overall agreement between interpretations of phlebograms and phleborheograms was 95.3%. The phleborheogram was positive in all cases where the phlebogram was positive. In 3 cases with negative phlebograms the phleborheogram was positive. Sensitivity was 100%, and specificity was 87%. Phleborheography is a useful adjunct to diagnosis of venous ostruction. It has a high degree of sensitivity (100% in this study). Clinical correlation is necessary to determine the most likely cause of venous obstruction in individual cases.