We show numerically that the nature of the doping-induced metal-insulator transition in the two-dimensional Hubbard model with hopping matrix element t and Coulomb repulsion U is radically altered by the inclusion of a term W that depends upon a square of a single-particle nearest-neighbor hopping. This result is reached by computing the localization length ξl in the insulating state. At W/t=0.05 and U/t=4, we find results consistent with ξl|μμc|1/2 where μc is the critical chemical potential. In contrast, ξl|μμc|1/4 for the Hubbard model at U/t=4. At half-filling, we calculate the density of states N(ω). The large value of N(ω) in the vicinity of ω=μc present at W=0 is suppressed with growing values of W. At finite doping, the d-wave pair-field correlations are enhanced with growing values of W. The numerical results imply that at finite values of W doping the antiferromagnetic Mott insulator leads to a dx2y2 superconductor.
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