Assessing behavioral health outcomes in outpatient programs: Reliability and validity of the BASIS-32

The Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32) was developed to assess mental health outcomes among patients with severe illness treated on inpatient programs. However, its applicability and utility to those treated in outpatient programs has not been determined. The objective of this study was to assess reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change of the BASIS-32 among mental health consumers treated in outpatient programs. A total of 407 outpatients completed the BASIS-32 and the Short Form Health Status Profile (SF-36) at the beginning of a treatment episode and again 30 to 90 days later. Outpatients reported less difficulty at intake than did inpatients, and the BASIS-32 detected statistically significant changes 30 to 90 days after beginning outpatient treatment. Factor structure and construct validity were partially confirmed on this sample of outpatient consumers. Analyses of data from a wide range of facilities and samples would add to validation efforts and to further refinement of the BASIS-32.