Brain injury: Analysis of outcome in a post-acute rehabilitation system. Part 2: Subanalyses

The basic findings of brain-injured patients who underwent treatment within a co-ordinated system of post-acute brain-injury rehabilitation programmes have already been reported. The changes in function during the course of treatment by this post-acute sequence of rehabilitation were obtained and reported. A defined total population of N = 192 was examined, with exclusions for appropriate causes (e.g. patients seen only for evaluation) producing a study population of N = 173; of these, follow-up was achieved in 145 cases, a follow-up rate of 83.8%. Time from date of injury to date of admission, severity of deficit at time of admission to programme, and other appropriate independent variables were used to characterize the population. A single-blind interview methodology was employed in obtaining dependent measures of outcome at 6, 12 or 24 month periods post-discharge. Measures of outcome included residential status, level of productivity activity, and hours per day of attendant care or supervision required. In the work reported in this paper dependent variables are analysed for various subgroups of the total population. The subgroups analysed are: patients with traumatic brain injury only; mild moderate and severe grades of disability; and comparisons of outcomes at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years post-discharge from treatment. The results are presented in terms of percentage change in dependent measures from point of admission to follow-up. Appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses of significance are carried out. Additionally, an analysis of cost associated with treatment, and some analysis of cost-benefit is provided. The results document substantial improvements in function during post-acute rehabilitation for both traumatic brain injury and brain dysfunction of other etiologies. Significant improvements are seen to occur in all grades of severity of dysfunction examined, and such improvements are robust and persist without evidence of decrement over the 2-year follow-up period. In addition, economic considerations suggest the potential for the recouping of costs of treatment within a reasonable period of time.

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