High-temperature powder x-ray diffraction of yttria to melting point

Powder x-ray diffraction data of yttria (Y2O3) were obtained from room temperature to melting point with the thin wire resistance heating technique. A solid-state phase transition was observed at 2512 ± 25 K and melting of the high-uemperature phase at 2705 ± 25 K. Thermal expansion data for α–Y2O3 (C-type) are given for the range 298–2540 K. The unit cell parameter increases nonlinearly, especially just before the solid-state transition. The x-ray diffraction spectrum of the high-temperature phase is consistent with the fluorite-type structure (space group Fm3) with a refined unit cell parameter a = 5.3903(6) Å at 2530 K. The sample recrystallized rapidly above 2540 K, and above 2730 K, all the diffraction lines and spots disappeared from the x-ray diffraction spectrum that suggests complete melting.