Fc-Rosette Inhibition by Pregnant Women’s Sera and by Rabbit Anti-β2-Microglobulin

Some anti-HLA sera showed Fc-rosette inhibitory activity, which had little correlation with type-specific anti-HLA activity. Cytotoxic titers did not correlate with Fc-rosettte inhibition rate and these antisera showed considerable inhibition of rosette formation even after absorption of anti-HLA activity with T lymphocytes. These results suggest that some anti-HLA sera contain B-cell-speeific inhibitory activity against Fc-receptor like anti-la antibody in mice. Rabbit antiserum against human β2-microglobulin showed specific inhibition of Fc-rosette formation. It was suggested that Fc-receptor or Ia-like antigen in human has a close relation with β2-microglobulin.