Improved Diabetes Control and Knowledge During a Diabetes Self-Help Group

Thirty patients with insulin- dependent diabetes and their relatives participated in monthly evening group meetings for six months. Questionnaires assessed knowledge before and after the group meetings; and the percent of HbA 1 was used to assess diabetes control. Knowledge improved significantly from a mean score of 59.7%±9.6% to 69.1 % ±8.2 %, p1 level from 12.4%±2.9% to 10.3%±2.5%, p1 over the study period, while the improvement seen in the self- help group was sustained for the next 12 months. Although over 85 % of the diabetic group members felt their knowledge had improved, only 35% were aware of improvements in their control. These meetings proved an efficient means of improving patients' diabetes knowledge and control. They were easy and inexpensive to organize and may prove to be a useful aid in diabetes management.