Decay ofNi56

The radioactive decay of Ni56 to Co56 (half-life remeasured, 6.10±0.02 days) has been investigated using scintillation gamma-ray spectrometers, both singly and in coincidence. The spectra revealed gamma rays of 0.164±0.003(99.3±6.6), 0.272±0.004(31.5±5.2), 0.484±0.004(34.6±2.0), 0.755±0.003(48.0±3.2), 0.820±0.003(84.9±8.3), 0.982±0.010(1.2±0.1), and 1.57±0.01(14.1±0.9) MeV. The intensities of the gamma rays (number per 100 decays) appear in parentheses. The data were consistent with an upper limit of 1 per 100 decays for the intensity of any positron emission. Coincidence spectra, angular-correlation measurements, and delayed-coincidence measurements permitted the construction of a decay scheme with energy levels at 0.00(4+), 0.164(3+), 0.984(2+), 1.47(1,2±), and 1.74(1+) MeV. The level scheme is compared with other recent work concerning the energy levels of Co56.

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