The primary purpose of this paper is to summarize some of the general relationships between chemical structure and transition temperatures for polymers. In addition to the two primary transitions, the melting point Tm, and the glass transition TG, other transitions occurring either below TG or between TG and Tm are discussed. A secondary purpose of this paper is to make a preliminary attempt at some rational nomenclature and classification scheme for polymer transitions, especially in the case of polymers having multiple transitions. This article is not intended to be a complete review of the literature on transitions in polymers. Our paper was inspired by a comprehensive lecture on multiple transitions presented by Dr. Karl Wolf in Midland, Michigan, during the summer of 1960. The substance of this lecture has recently been published. Willbourn has also been concerned with the classification of multiple transitions. A recent comprehensive report by Saito, Okano, Iwayanagi and Hideshima called “Molecular Motion in Solid State Polymers” also considers in elaborate detail many of these same problems.