Cytoplasmic effects of cortisol in liver

1. The time-course of the induction by cortisol of tryptophan pyrrolase in mouse liver was established. 2. The kinetics of labelling of mouse liver polyribosomes and the distribution of radioactivity in the various sizes of polyribosomes were investigated. It is concluded that the major part of the messenger RNA is monocistronic. 3. Cortisol administered to adrenalectomized mice stimulates in parallel the ability of ribosomes and polyribosomes, both free and bound, to incorporate amino acids into protein. 4. This stimulation does not appear to affect in a selective manner particular regions of the gradients of polyribosomes. 5. Administration of cortisol enhances the ability of the denser fraction of the rough microsomes to incorporate labelled amino acids. Adrenalectomy has minor effects on the pool sizes and specific radioactivities of liver amino acids which are counteracted by the hormone. However, these appear insufficient to influence the changes observed. 6. Adrenalectomy causes an increase in the percentage of ribosomes existing as polyribosomes and a fall in the proportion bound to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. After treatment of these animals with cortisol there is a marked increase in the proportion of bound ribosomes. 7. The influence of cortisol on the membranous components of liver cytoplasm is discussed.