A Tannic Acid Modified Hemagglutination Test for Infectious Bronchitis of Chickens

An indirect hemagglutination test for detecting infectious bronchitis virus antibodies in chicken serum is described. Of 20 sera negative to the SN test, 19 yielded titers of 1:8 or lower. Of 55 sera possessing in ovo serum neutralization antibodies, 52 gave serum HA titers exceeding 1:8. These titers ranged from 1:16 to 1:1024. In negative sera appearing positive to the hemagglutination test when irregularities were noted in the serum-RBC control tube, adsorption of the sera with normal horse RBC removed the interfering factor(s). The test was more sensitive at 4[degree]C than at room temperature (22-26[degree]C) and the readings were stable for 3-4 days. Two virus strains and cells from 3 different horses were equally effective in this study.