Spectral properties of soluble and pelletable phytochrome from epicotyls of etiolated pea seedlings

The red-light(R)-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) was detected spectrophotometrically in a 20,000 g particulate fraction prepared from a 1,000 g supernatant fraction from epicotyl tissue of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings grown in the dark and only briefly exposed to dim green light. The difference spectrum of phytochrome in this fraction was essentially the same as that of soluble phytochrome from the same tissue. When the non-irradiated 20,000 g particulate fraction was incubated in the dark at 25° C, an absorbance change (decrease) of Pr after actinic red irradiation was found only in the far-red (FR) region. When the 20,000 g particulate fraction was irradiated with R and then incubated in the dark, the FR-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) disappeared spectrally at a rate about half that in the soluble fraction, and the difference spectrum of the Pr which became detectable after dark incubation of the 20,000 g particulate fraction was markedly distorted. In contrast, Pfr in a 20,000 g particulate fraction prepared from tissues irradiated with R did not change optically during dark incubation at 25° C for 60 min, while Pfr in the soluble fraction from the same tissue disappeared in the dark. No dissociation of either Pr or Pfr from the 20,000 g particulate fraction was indicated during a 60-min dark incubation at 25° C, but Pfr in a 20,000 g particulate fraction prepared in vitro from R-irradiated 1,000 g supernatant fraction in the presence of CaCl2 disappeared spectrally and the difference spectrum of Pr in the 20,000 g particulate fraction became quite distorted during the dark incubation.