Sjogren's Syndrome: Additional Diagnostic Tools

SJÖGREN'S SYNDROME is characterized by dryness of the mucous membranes and conjunctiva (sicca syndrome), and episodes of salivary gland enlargement. The syndrome has most frequently been associated with connective tissue diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis, and lymphomas or a combination of all three clinical problems in the same patient. The involved salivary glands demonstrate infiltration by lymphoid cells and various degrees of intraductal proliferation. In this case report, the palatal minor salivary glands, which have been infrequently described1 were biopsied for histologic confirmation of the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome, obviating the danger of facial nerve paralysis, fistulous tract formation, or visible surgical scar as may occur with the parotid gland biopsy site. Evaluation of salivary gland function is often a difficult and tedious procedure. Technetium Tc 99m, an artificial radioactive element, is concentrated in normal salivary gland tissue and can be used to perform radioactive scintiscans of these organs. The patient