βSpectrum ofI129and Its Decay Scheme

The decay of I129 has been studied with several instruments including a magnetic lens spectrometer, a scintillation spectrometer utilizing a technique in which the activity is introduced into a NaI(Tl) crystal, and a proportional counter. A soft beta radiation whose end-point value is measured to be 150±5 kev and a gamma radiation of 38 kev are observed. The shape of the beta spectrum is studied and the K-conversion coefficient and the KL conversion ratio for the 38-kev gamma radiation are determined. The beta and gamma radiations are shown to be in coincidence and an upper limit is set for a possible beta branch to the ground state of Xe129. Spin assignments are made which agree with shell model theories of the nucleus and with data available on the decay of the 8-day isomer of Xe129.