Superconducting energy gap and antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the superconductorYNi2B2C: An NMR study

Pulsed NMR studies of B11 and Y89 have been carried out in the recently discovered quaternary borocarbide superconductor YNi2 B2C (Tc=15.5 K). These results are as follows: (a) Superconducting state: Though there is only one crystallographic B site in this structure, we have observed two B11 resonances in the superconducting state. One signal comes from a superconducting region, and the other from a normal-metal region. As for the former signal, the nuclear relaxation rate, T11 decreases drastically with further decrease of temperature with no appreciable enhancement just below Tc, and it starts to saturate below 6 K. (b) Normal state: (T1T)1 increases as temperature decreases. We interpret this temperature dependence as arising due to two-dimensional or three-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations (structure of YNi2 B2C is tetragonal and highly anisotropic).