RAP: a new computer program for de novo identification of repeated sequences in whole genomes

DNA repeats are a common feature of most genomic sequences. Their de novo identification is still difficult despite being a crucial step in genomic analysis and oligonucleotides design. Several efficient algorithms based on word counting are available, but too short words decrease specificity while long words decrease sensitivity, particularly in degenerated repeats. The Repeat Analysis Program (RAP) is based on a new word-counting algorithm optimized for high resolution repeat identification using gapped words. Many different overlapping gapped words can be counted at the same genomic position, thus producing a better signal than the single ungapped word. This results in better specificity both in terms of low-frequency detection, being able to identify sequences repeated only once, and highly divergent detection, producing a generally high score in most intron sequences. The program is freely available for non-profit organizations, upon request to the authors. giorgio.valle@unipd.it The program has been tested on the Caenorhabditis elegans genome using word lengths of 12, 14 and 16 bases. The full analysis has been implemented in the UCSC Genome Browser and is accessible at http://genome.cribi.unipd.it.