Leaching of nitrogen forms from controlled‐release nitrogen fertilizers

Application of soluble forms of nitrogen (N) fertilizers to sandy soils may cause leaching of nitrate N (NO3‐N) resulting in contamination of groundwater. The leaching loss of N may be reduced to a certain extent by the use of controlled‐release N formulations. A leaching column study was conducted to evaluate the leaching of urea, ammonium N (NH4‐N), and NO3‐N forms from selected urea‐based controlled‐release formulations (Meister, Osmocote, and Poly‐S) and uncoated urea under eight cycles of intermittent leaching and dry conditions. Following leaching of 1,760 mL of water (equivalent to 40 cm rainfall) through the soil columns, the recovery of total N (sum of all forms) in the leachate accounted for 28, 12, 6, or 5% of the total N applied as urea, Poly‐S, Meister, and Osmocote, respectively. Loss of urea‐N from all fertilizer sources was pronounced during the initial leaching events (with the exception of Meister). Cumulative leaching of urea‐N was 10% for uncoated urea while 4‐N was 6.2% for uncoated urea while 3‐N was 3.78% for Osmocote, 4.6% for Meister, 10.4% for urea, and 10.5% for Poly‐S. This study demonstrates a significant reduction in leaching of N forms from controlled‐release formulations as compared to that from the soluble form.