Subsequent to the observation of Ryle and Barber1 of hypoacidity or anacidity in many patients with rosacea, numerous investigators have reported conflicting results. The latest complete series of analyses by Smith and McLachlan2 and by Reyn3 with adequate controls revealed that changes in gastric acidity were equally common in other dermatoses. They further stated that their observations did not detract from the well established fact that strict dietary treatment in combination with large doses of hydrochloric acid brought about great improvement in the rosacea. In view of the dietary indiscretions indulged in by the majority of patients with rosacea and the usual history of gastric disturbance, it is likely that some degree of gastritis is nearly always present. In the belief that this is so, a new method of approach has been adopted: direct visualization of the gastric mucosa. By means of the gastroscope, the gastric mucosa

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