Dissociative photoionisation of N2from threshold to 29 eV

Photodissociation of N2 has been studied using synchrotron radiation as a light source. The ratio of the yield of N+ to that of N2+ is measured by the time-of-flight method using the pulse characteristics of synchrotron radiation and the ratios thus obtained are 7 to 8.5% at 450, 470 and 490 AA. Using these ratios and the N+ yield curve measured by a mass filter, and the partial cross sections for the fragment ion production are determined in the region from threshold to 450 AA. Many peaks due to the autoionising states converging to the C 2 Sigma u+ state are observed in the N+ yield curve obtained with the mass filter. The kinetic energies of the fragment ion N+ are also measured at several wavelengths with the threshold electron-ion coincidence method. It is suggested from the analysis of the kinetic energy of the N+ ion that a potential curve which directly dissociates or predissociates of N(4S)+N+(1D)(26.2 eV) crosses the Franck-Condon region at the vicinity of 471 AA (26.3 eV).