An iprodione/benzimidazole-resistant strain of S. homoeocarpa was isolated from a creeping bentgrass [Agrostis palustris] putting green where dollar spot disease control with iprodione and benzimidazoles had failed. The resistant strain grew on potato-dextrose agar amended with 1000 .mu.g/ml of iprodione or benomyl, whereas a sensitive strain and a benzimidazole-resistant strain failed to grow on media amended with > 1 .mu.g/ml of iprodione. The iprodione/benzimidazole-resistant strain maintained its resistance after 4 mo. away from the fungicides. Although the iprodione-resistant strain was less virulent than a sensitive and a benzimidazole-resistant strain in greenhouse trials, spray applications of iprodione and benomyl failed to control this strain under field conditions.