Continuous Monitoring ofin VztroOxidation of Human Low Density Lipoprotein

The kinetics of the oxidation of human low densit) lipoprotein (LDL) can be measured continuously by monitoring the change of the 234 nm diene absorption. The time-course shows three consecutive phases, a lag-phase during which the diene absorption increases only weakly. a propagation phase with a rapid increase of the diene absorption and finally a decomposition phase. The increase of the dienes is highly correlated with the increase of MDA or lipid hydroperoxides. The duration of the lag-phase is determined by the endogenous antioxidants contained in LDL (vitamin E. carotenoids. retinylstearate). Water-soluble antioxidants (ascorbic acid. urate) added in micromolar concentrations prolong the lag-phase in a concentration-dependent manner. The determination of the lag-phase is a convenient and objective procedure for determining the susceptibility of LDL from different donors towards oxidation as well as effects of pro-and antioxidants.

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