Effects of Shock Waves on the Rat Ovary

The studies reported in this paper were undertaken to investigate the effect of shock waves on ovarian function. In an initial study, five female Wistar rats underwent general anesthesia. One ovary was then exposed to 1500 shock waves at 20 kV using the Dornier XL-1 experimental lithotripter. One week following this treatment, the animals were sacrificed and both ovaries were step sectioned. We counted all follicles that contained both an oocyte and antrum. These follicles in turn were classified further as being healthy or atretic. No statistical difference in these counts was observed between shocked and unshocked ovaries taken from the same animal. In the definitive study, thirty-one adult female Wistar rats underwent unilateral oophorectomy. These rats were then divided into treated, sham-treated and control groups. The eleven treated animals were given general anesthesia and received 1500 shocks at 15 kV directed at their remaining ovary using the Dornier XL-1 lithotripter. The ten sham treated animals received identical anesthesia and duration of waterbath immersion as the treated group. In contrast, however, sham treated animals were positioned outside the path of the focused shock wave. The control group received no treatment. Normal estrus cycle was maintained in all groups following shock wave exposure. Two weeks after this exposure, all three groups of animals were allowed to mate. All animals in each of the three groups became pregnant. There was no statistical difference in litter size or fetal weights at three weeks gestation. No gross teratogenic effects were observed. The rat ovary appears to be structurally and functionally resistant to the shock wave energy levels used in this experiment.