The advantages of gastric diversion over pylorus ligation in rat gastric mucosal integrity and acid secretion studies over 6 hr were investigated. Mucosal injury developed in 80% of pylorus-ligation controls. Atropine (5 mg/kg) or cimetidine (40 mg/kg) had no effect on this injury (2.9 mm2±0.9 and 2.8 mm2±0.7, respectively, vs 3.1 mm2±1, mean±sem, N=10; however vagotomy increased it (13.7 mm2±Pylorus-ligation H+ output was higher than that of gastric diversion (390.5 μmol±54.8 vs 61 μmol±2.5, mean±sem, N=10, P+ output of gastric diversion (21.3 μmol±1.2 vs 61 μmol±2.5, mean±sem, N=10, P+ output (P+ secretion, and overshadows the efficacy of antisecretory agents.