The bleeding time, using the Simplate method, horizontal incision, and venostasis, was measured in a study of 51 patients admitted to a coronary care unit within 12 hours of the onset of chest pain. The bleeding time was significantly shorter in the 28 patients who were found to have definite myocardial infarction compared with the 23 others with chest pain but no definite infarction (p less than 0.0005). A bleeding time of less than 212 seconds correctly classified 84% of patients (sensitivity for definite myocardial infarction 89%) presenting to the coronary care unit with chest pain. Multiple regression analysis showed the bleeding time in all patients to be determined independently (and with high significance) by the following variables in order of importance: diagnostic group, platelet mass (platelet count X mean volume), and age. Packed cell volume was not a significant determinant. In the group with definite myocardial infarction considered alone the same order of variables was observed in predicting bleeding time, but none of them was significant. A major variable reducing bleeding time in acute myocardial infarction remains to be determined. There was no association between bleeding time and creatine phosphokinase activity or infarct size in the group with definite myocardial infarction.