Survey of the year 2003 commercial optical biosensor literature

In the year 2003 there was a 17% increase in the number of publications citing work performed using optical biosensor technology compared with the previous year. We collated the 962 total papers for 2003, identified the geographical regions where the work was performed, highlighted the instrument types on which it was carried out, and segregated the papers by biological system. In this overview, we spotlight 13 papers that should be on everyone's ‘must read’ list for 2003 and provide examples of how to identify and interpret high‐quality biosensor data. Although we still find that the literature is replete with poorly performed experiments, over‐interpreted results and a general lack of understanding of data analysis, we are optimistic that these shortcomings will be addressed as biosensor technology continues to mature. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.